Flushing High School Boys' Basketball Team

1904 National Champions

Image of Flushing High School boys basketball team that won the 1904 National Championship at the St. Louis World Exposition. From Lft to Right: Top Row--Herbert F. Coster, Professor Herbert F. Hamilton (Coach), William Smith, Howard Doncourt, John W. Crawford Jr.,  Bottom Row--John Dempsey, John E. Tuohy (Captaing), Guy Hillman. From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, New York, July 1, 1901..
•Flushing High wins First Public Schools Athletic League championship
1903 P.S.A.L. Championships, at Madison Square Garden (#2)
 First Round:
12/26 (a.m.)  Flushing High 8-0 Manual Training School
12/26 (aft.)  Flushing High 7-2 High School of Commerce
12/26 (p.m.)  Flushing High 16-13 Boys High
1904 Metropolitan High School Atkletics League, at Dr. Savage Gymnasium
1/22  Flushing High 31-16 High School of Commerce
1904 National Championships Qualifying Playoffs Best-of-Three
 Game One, at 17th Separate Company Armory, Flushing
1/22  Flushing High 34-15 Boys High
 Game Two, at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn
1/22  Flushing High 32-11 Boys High
1904 World's Fair Championships at the St. Louis World Exhibition
 Game One:
1/22  Flushing High 15-7 Polytechnic High of San Francisco
 Game Two:
1/22  Flushing High 10-9 North Division High of Chicago
 Game Three:
1/22  Flushing High (win by forfeit) St. Louis Central High

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   Updated 8/2/2024
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